Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Building our Outdoor Shower up at the Lake!

This past weekend our good friends Jeff and Lynn came to visit us up at the lake and Jeff just LOVES projects.  So our boys decided kick it into gear and jump start our outdoor shower.  I will admit, if it hadn't been for Jeff, Steve and I would still be out back scratching our heads and throwing things at each other.  Between the two of them, they got the hardest parts (framing and plumbing) done.  Lynn and I had very hard jobs also, we were required to sit still and not ask questions...well actually, I was the one that needed to keep my mouth shut.  I tend to ask a few to many questions for my darling hubby's way of thinking.

Ok, disregard the dog house off to the side, we are still looking for takers on that. Comes with a chain link kennel if anyone is interested :-).  We decided we wanted the shower more than the dog kennel.  I just LOVE the smell of wet dog in the house...who doesn't right?  Truthfully, I hate the site of the darn kennel in the back, it just doesn't fit my decor.

Here are our strong guys soldering up the copper pipes.
After Lynn and Jeff left, I  wanted to go to work on the decking.  Steve had other plans.  After working two days, he wanted to take the rest of Sunday off and relax a little.  Ok fine, twist my arm, I was just exhausted ;-) also.  So we kicked back with my brother-in-law Mike and sister-in-law Sue, and proceeded to solve all the world problems and sip on a few frosty cold ones. Mike and Sue are just starting their two weeks of vacation and ready to let er snap.  We were very happy to oblige.

Monday, I stepped up the pace and got the Milwaukee going.  Steve cut the boards and I screwed those babies down.  I was thinking we would get the boards down and the walls up in one day...yeah right!  We got the boards down and finished up just in time to go out for dinner.

Tuesday, we started the walls.  I went to work at 9:00 a.m. and we quit at 6:15 p.m.  I really do have to laugh at myself.  I kept thinking we could get this thing up and running in a few days...maybe we should have hired out!

To be continued.....


Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Grandma Beth's Nursery!

This past January, our son acquired a position with a financial company in Madison, WI  requiring him to move out of our home and with our daughter getting married last June,  Steve and I are officially "Empty Nesters". Anyone that says you are empty nesters when the kids go off to college has it wrong.  Those are the baby step years to get you ready for the time when the little darlings leave for good.
With our home being a split level with four bedrooms we decided as empty nesters it's time to purge and get the house ready to put on the market (not to mention I hate cleaning it) and eventually down size, so after Ryan moved out, I got to work! I starting with the bedrooms and worked down, painting all the bedrooms, redecorating and PURGING!

My favorite project is the nursery.  This is our fourth bedroom, the smallest one, and over the years it was a guest room, craft room, office, storage and trust me sometimes a mess.  Initially my plan was to make this room into an office and one of the other bedrooms into a nursery, however, my brilliant niece Jenny (mother of three) took one look at the room and said to make this particular room the nursery, that way anyone looking at the house will see it as it is...a four bedroom home...what a smart girl!  So twist my arm and let me have some fun.

I wish I would have taken a picture of the room before I redid it (didn't plan on doing a blog at the time), it was a soft yellow and white trim.  It is a paneled room that I had painted years ago.  I primed the paneling with oil based Kilz and painted over it and never had a problem with the stain bleeding through or chipping.

When selecting paint for the majority of the house I wanted a neutral color so I went with mostly tan colors.  I love the way different tan colors will go with anything, especially white!  Home Depot became my favorite store...forget the mall, I am a painting fiend! 

Painting stripes on paneling is a piece of cake, the work/measuring is done for you.  To get this look, I painted the base coat first, Behr paint,  Basketry was the color.  Then I taped the panels for the stripes.  I bought the same color paint for the stripes only in High Gloss.  I loved the end result!

This is a dresser I picked up at an auction years ago.  At one point it was our entertainment center.  It has been sitting in our shed for numerous years and Steve has been threatening to give it away or toss it on the curb.  I knew at some point I was going to put it to good use and Steve knew that if he touched it there would be hell to pay.
Waaa Laaaa.... A changing table for Grandma Beth's nursery!  Little bit of primer, paint, new wood knobs that I painted and you have a fine little changing table...never mind the imperfections, it gives it character.  How fun is this?!

For the curtain tie back, I just happen to have on hand an antique door knob and metal tie back I had bought from Target a while back.  I pulled the decorative piece off the end of the thingie, snapped a pencil to fit the length, whittled some of the pencil to fit and placed the door knob on the top of the pencil that was stinking out and it was a  perfect fit.  I will say this, at some point I want to find some kind of an elbow to put in this so that the door knob is facing out, but for impatient Beth, this will be fine until then.

I couldn't resist showing one last picture. The little green chair is an old student chair that was in the garbage at the school where I work.  It needed a home and after getting permission, I scooped it up and brought it home.  Needless to say, it has been many different colors over the years.  My niece Jenny's little 3 year old has already tried it out and thinks it is mighty fine.

There you have it, my first project that I shared, I hope you liked it.   Let me know if you have questions.

Talk soon.....


Wednesday, July 11, 2012

My First Entry and Oh What Fun this is going to Be!

Starting my Blog!
I have been thinking of starting a blog for a while now and after talking to my future daughter-in-law Kristin (just got engaged to our son Ryan this past weekend),  I thought what the heck, why not.

The title of my blog is "Painting and Projects" for good reason…I love projects and stuff.  I HAVE to have a project going all the time.  I am a FIRST TIME GRANDMA and can't get enough of this beautiful little creature...what is it about that wonderful sour milk smell in a babies neck that just makes me want to eat this sweet darling right up.  Oops sorry, went off subject, see that's what happens with menopause...this goofy head will go off in different directions and one never knows where you will end up. 

Back to my interests...crafting, painting, gardening, redoing a piece of furniture, redecorating, dumpster diving (Yes, I am a diver. I love to pick stuff up off someone’s curb, take it home and redo it), antiquing, SHOPPING, bow hunting (oh, wait until I fill you in on that one)…now do you see where my blog will be going, that’s right, all over the place!  With my son getting engaged, now we have another wedding to look forward to and help plan (I hope I get to help, I will be bouncing off the walls if they don't ask me otherwise).

My husband and I own a cottage on Wheeler Lake in Lakewood, WI.  Between the home in Green Bay and cottage up north, trust me, I have constant projects.  My plan is to share a lot of these with you (pictures included).  Since January of this year, I have started the painful process of purging our home in town and painting it from top to bottom with the intent of putting it on the market in a few years (maybe sooner-who knows).
So there it is, my first post on my blog. 

I will try not to be so long winded in the future…talk soon!