Wednesday, July 11, 2012

My First Entry and Oh What Fun this is going to Be!

Starting my Blog!
I have been thinking of starting a blog for a while now and after talking to my future daughter-in-law Kristin (just got engaged to our son Ryan this past weekend),  I thought what the heck, why not.

The title of my blog is "Painting and Projects" for good reason…I love projects and stuff.  I HAVE to have a project going all the time.  I am a FIRST TIME GRANDMA and can't get enough of this beautiful little creature...what is it about that wonderful sour milk smell in a babies neck that just makes me want to eat this sweet darling right up.  Oops sorry, went off subject, see that's what happens with menopause...this goofy head will go off in different directions and one never knows where you will end up. 

Back to my interests...crafting, painting, gardening, redoing a piece of furniture, redecorating, dumpster diving (Yes, I am a diver. I love to pick stuff up off someone’s curb, take it home and redo it), antiquing, SHOPPING, bow hunting (oh, wait until I fill you in on that one)…now do you see where my blog will be going, that’s right, all over the place!  With my son getting engaged, now we have another wedding to look forward to and help plan (I hope I get to help, I will be bouncing off the walls if they don't ask me otherwise).

My husband and I own a cottage on Wheeler Lake in Lakewood, WI.  Between the home in Green Bay and cottage up north, trust me, I have constant projects.  My plan is to share a lot of these with you (pictures included).  Since January of this year, I have started the painful process of purging our home in town and painting it from top to bottom with the intent of putting it on the market in a few years (maybe sooner-who knows).
So there it is, my first post on my blog. 

I will try not to be so long winded in the future…talk soon!


  1. I really like your blog. It made me laugh several times. I look forward to all your info on your blog. I like doing things in my home. I also am doing them with the intent to move in a few yrs if all works as planned. Looking forward to future blogs.

  2. Thanks Bonnie! I had fun writing my first two entries and will be doing more. It makes me feel good to know I made you laugh a few times. Hopefully we both will be lucky with fixing up our homes and successful with sales.
