Saturday, August 18, 2012

My New Blog Title!

So here's the deal....I never liked my last title for my blog, Painting and Projects.  Yes, I love to be busy with projects, but there is more to life than projects. 

This past Tuesday for instance...I was cleaning like a maniac and I decided to let my beautiful almost 6 month granddaughter take an hour an a half nap snug in my arms.  Just sitting and rocking with this beautiful little girl got me ta thinkin'....It's not about projects and painting and driving yourself crazy with being busy all the time.  It's about enjoying life...spending time snuggling and playing with our little peanut, sharing laughter with your girlfriends, sitting on the deck up at the lake having coffee with my sweetie,  listening to the loons call to one another, having a glass of wine under the moonlight, looking up at the stars, sitting around a campfire with family eating smore's, playing fetch with my black lab's about SLOWING DOWN!

When I started this blog I wanted to share all my projects (and will continue to do so) so while rocking little girl I started thinking, "Is a blog about bragging about yourself OR are you just sharing ones thoughts and ideas?"  This is what I want my blog to be...

An inspiration to women.   I want women to see that no matter how old you are, you can try new things.  You don't have to be afraid of drilling, sawing, cementing, painting, you know....guy things.  You don't have to wait for your honey to DO it for you.   Educate yourself,  go on You Tube and type in something you want to try and maybe you may find a tutorial.  I used to follow my dad like a puppy when he was working at his work bench and around the house.  I think I was in my thirty's before he actually let me use his electric saws and drills!  I guess you can ask your honey for help once in a while (I don't want to be blamed for a lost finger or an eye being taken out). 

As in my last post, I noted that I was 51 years old and learned how to bow hunt.  It wasn't about the kill, it was about a new experience and saying that I CAN climb 35 feet into a tree, sit for several hours, watch bear under me, watch mama deer and fawns come in (trust me, I will NEVER shoot a mama or fawn) and play.  Just sitting up in the tree and smelling the fresh air of the north woods is peaceful, quiet and RELAXING.

So there you have it.  I hope this all makes sense.  It took me a week to type since I am back to work.  Now I have to figure out why this site won't let me download a picture.

Have a great weekend!!

Talk soon!


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