Thursday, September 13, 2012

School Secretaries...

When I started this blogging stuff, I was off of work for the summer. 
 Truly, it sounded like a great idea at the time, I would be relaxing up at the lake, having my coffee, listening to the loons call to one another and I thought, oh what fun, I should start a blog... I can share my thoughts and ideas on various subjects, show different projects that I am working on, explain what type of stupid saw to use when ripping a board to make a sign (while trying not to loose a finger in the process),
yada, yada, yada....
Well guess what, I am back at work and don't have time to file my nails much less sit down and type about what style of fabric I am thinking about buying to make some stupid pillows with!

I am a secretary in a middle school and went back to work on August 16th. 
 The above clip art seriously looks like my desk right now...the start up of the school year is like
Black Friday, EVERY DAY!!

So lately, when I get home from work, I walk in the door, my darling hubby (who is a retired officer, fireman and paramedic...yes, I scored and got three sweet guys all in one) will look at me and ask me in his calm, sweet caring way, how my day was?  My typical response is a snarl, "Are you freakin' kidding me??
I haven't peed since I woke up this morning, LEAVE ME ALONE!"
When I come back into the living room, I plant myself in my mushy chair, put my feet up on the ottoman and proceed to stare mindlessly at that big box (I think it's a TV) and I start relax...and then...I hear...
"Honey, what's for dinner?"

Here's the deal ...I LOVE MY JOB!!!
This time of year I may come home numb and shell shocked, but you know what?
I really do like those darn kids and all the craziness that goes with the job:  Nervous parents, sick kids, phone calls, files that need to be sent out, teachers needing printouts, medications that need to given to students, reports and letters that need to be sent to parents, medical issues, crying students (sometimes getting teary eyed with them) printing the 5th schedule for students because they keep loosing it, assigning lockers to all the get the idea....
I Really DO Like my Job!

So next time you have to go to your child's school, don't be afraid to bring in some chocolate
for the school secretary or just tell her what a good job she is doing because you know what,
while you're out having lunch with your friends, she is taking care of your precious children making sure they are being fed, they are getting on the right bus, etc.

Thanks for reading -
Talk soon  -


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