Tuesday, August 7, 2012


It's been a few days since we finished our outdoor shower and I am already looking for something to do.  I guess my blog is my project at this point in the day (8:00 a.m.).

Truthfully, I don't know what the hell I am doing with this and when I initially set it up, I felt like I had to get fancy with my template and have foo foo stuff going on.  The more I am looking at it, I decided less is more.   Keep your eyes open for all my menopausal changes to this blog, when the mood hits me and I feel like playing, my blog is the first thing to take the hit.

Speaking of hits, I have to share this picture with you.  Not sure if you can see it, but I split the arrow dead center with another arrow!!  I hear that it is called a "Robin Hood". 

Practicing  yesterday with my new bow for the first time... I split the darn thing!!

I started bow hunting last year.  Yes, at age 51, I took up a new hobby to share with my hubby.  As we are advancing in our years together and this is a passion of his, I thought I could try it.  In my mind, I was thinking...Shoot, I can sit up in a tree for hours-no big deal, I'll bring a book and nobody will bug me.  I found out there is more to it than that!  

To make this story short (sorry, it's hard to actually make this short) after much practice, I climbed up a tree 35 feet, sat in a stand and shot a 6 point buck (should of been an 8 pointer, but I was happy with 6).  Trust me, I cried like a baby until Steve got to the site, we tracked it, found it and then I couldn't call enough people to brag about my rookie shot!  I was HOOKED!!

So as fall approaches, in addition to my projects, I will be touching on my "Up North Exploits" in the woods.

On that note, I will sign off and try to think of a new title for my blog....perhaps "Robyn Hoodette".  

Thanks for reading - Talk soon - 


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