Sunday, September 23, 2012

Saw Four Deer!

Recap of my first time out for the season:

Had a great time...while driving into my stand, a big grouse was sitting in the middle of the rode and flew up in front of me.  I saw this as a sign of good things to come.  

I climbed the tree (only fifteen feet up, not a bad climb for a menopausal woman out of shape), got myself situated, and waited and waited... 

I had a group of chickadee's entertain me for a while, literally landing within arms length on the branches next to me-darn,  forgot the birdseed to give them, gotta remember for next time.  Watched a woodpecker beat the crab out of a tree next to me-how do they do that and not get shaken bird brain syndrome.  Then, as the sun peeked out from behind a cloud, casting a golden glow in the woods, I spotted the cutest little buck (3 pointer) trotting through the woods.  It looked like a scene out of a Disney movie for gosh sake, I think I even saw a grin on his face.  But he kept going, so I waited....

(via Google images)
When you are sitting up in a tree with nothing but nature to entertain you, you think about a lot of things.  This is my second season bow hunting.  I am excited yet nervous...again. 
My biggest fear is NOT:  
  • Falling out of a tree-I'm harnessed in, no problem there...I hope...oh wait, I could have the darn harness under my neck, slip, dangle in the air, slowly being strangled and when the light at the end of the tunnel starts to appear, distant relatives are waving to me to join them, I think, "Grab the branch right next you, dumb ass, and pull yourself up!!", this doesn't scare me...I think I will be fine...
(via Google images)
  • Getting lost in the woods-wandering aimlessly for days, drinking out of creeks, eating berries and bark to survive, not being able to do my nails, (actually our stands aren't that far in the woods, no problem here), 
"There you go Yogi, just a little higher and you can scare that lady down into my arms...
she is going to make us a really nice snack".  (image via Google)
  • Having a cute, furry, little cuddly bear climb a tree after me, while mama watched from below rubbin' her paws together with a big grin on her face (I have marshmallows to throw at them, jk), again, no problem here...I hope :-) 
(via Pinterest)
  • Being tracked by a wolf as I am coming out of my stand, pounced on from behind, tossed around like a big floppy, screaming, toy, ok, this scares me a little-that would hurt!
What really DOES scare me is dropping my darn KINDLE!!  Can you imagine sitting up in the tree for hours on end and not being able to read!  There is no way after climbing up there, pulling my bow up, putting my hat and gloves on, getting situated with my bow and finally kicking back to relax and read only to drop the darn thing...that would just be wrong!  Oh trust me, I enjoy the whole nature thing but to actually have a couple hours where I can just sit and read is AWESOME!! Trust me when I say, I am very careful with this treasure of mine.

Back to my evening, after sitting for a couple hours, pondering life and yes, reading my Kindle, I heard it...the stealthy crunch of leaves and branches.  As slow as possible, I turn my head and there, walking ever so slowly is my little buddy the 3 pointer making his way toward me.  While I am watching him,  I hear more crunching of leaves and in walks his friend a 4 pointer!  They are just meandering around right under me, stopping periodically to look around,  sniff the air, eat some acorns  and then they just wander off.   No sooner do they leave, I hear more crunching and I think to myself, holy cow this is it, here comes the big monster, the granddaddy of the woods, the most sought after trophy that will make people come from far and wide just to get a glimpse of this big beastly creature that I, a mere woman in her second year of hunting was able to get with her bow....again, I slowly turn my walks a doe and a fawn....well how sweet was that!!  There is mama deer and her fawn coming closer and closer to me and they stopped right below me also.  It was so cool - to be this close to these animals and they have no clue you are sitting right there, it was great!

If you are wondering why I didn't try to get any of these deer, here's the deal, I shot a 6 pointer last year that weighed 156 lbs.  and truthfully, I want something bigger!  Steve's dad was teasing me a little about being picky, but his mom and I agreed, why not try to get something a little bigger and show these boys what we are made of.  

Well, I didn't get a deer on my first night out, but I had a wonderful time watching nature, smelling the fresh clean air of the north woods and just RELAXING up in the tree.

Sorry I got so long with this, I will try to keep my up coming deer stories shorter (if that is possible).  

Thanks for reading - 

Talk soon - 


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