Monday, September 3, 2012

Happy Labor Day!

Our kids just left the cottage and a lot of fun was had by all!!  Pontoon ride, bon fires under the full moon, licking our sticky fingers from the s'mores, sitting on the beach with magazines chatting and lots of great food!  I didn't make all the recipes I had previously posted, however, I can assure you, nobody went hungry. 

I had to laugh when I looked at this picture, our granddaughter was to busy looking at the fashion magazine to smile for the picture.  Please ignore the messy table...but do take note of the White Pizza Dip that I did make...and yes, it was shut the front door good!

Last night we were invited to a trout boil at some friends of the family's house.  I will be honest, and I even told our buddy Todd (the host) this, I was very skeptical.  I had never had trout and if there is any hint of fishy taste, I am out of there.  I had Ribeye's and all the fixin's for sides in our refrigerator as back up, just in case.

Once again, I forgot my camera last night which means I borrowed these pictures from a site for Door County WI to give you an idea of what the boiled dinner looks like.  Fish boils are a huge attraction in Door County and if you are planning on going to one, you need reservations well in advance.

Let me tell you....the meal was FABULOUS!!  Todd did an awesome job.  I won't tell you how many times I went back for more.  I didn't even have room for dessert - trust me, this is pretty serious when a girl would rather bulk up on fish and skip the sweets.  I told Todd he can cook for me anytime.

Memorial Day Weekend...The start of what will be a Fabulous Summer!

As the summer is winding down, kids are coming back to school tomorrow and the season is about to change, I look back on this summer and feel so blessed.  Our cottage is a place where we can escape to, share happy times and create wonderful memories with our family and friends.

July 4th photo shoot with our very happy granddaughter.

                                                                             Our son getting engaged to this gorgeous girl        
                                                                              that I will be excited to call my daughter-in-law.

My beautiful mom and sister making the drive up to the lake to visit with us late July for my birthday.

Our granddaughter's 6 month
photo shoot.
Discovering grass is indeed picky.

 Yes, it WAS a GrEaT SuMmeR!!
Have a wonderful week!

Talk soon - 

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