Sunday, November 11, 2012

No Venison for this Huntress!

I am back from vacation (bow hunting) and I am sad to say this huntress did not score on a deer this year.  
It was my second year of bow hunting and I came to the conclusion that I was extremely lucky last year to get my 6 pointer.  Every afternoon I packed up my gear, trucked out to my tree stands and sat...and listened...and watched....and waited.... for that elusive, beastly creature to emerge from the forest, however, it was not meant to be.  Instead of bagging a buck, I discovered a few things about myself this year:
  • I am fricken' out of shape!!  I pulled muscles in areas I best not put in this post.  My honey sets up stands in the trees and since I did it last year, what the heck, I should be able to belly up those branches no problem this year, right?!  Last year, I shot my buck out of a stand that was 30-35 feet up. I hauled my butt up that tree on day number 5 and lickety split, got a deer. This year, I had two different stands at around 20 long feet up...I wear these beautiful camouflage boots that I literally have to grab the hem of my even more fashionable bibs and hoist my foot to the first step and with a hrrrggfffffhhhh, I am on my way, climbing those damn trees, stopping at least once or twice to catch my breath.  Well let me tell you, this huntress came home and told honey if he wants his menopausal wife to share quality time, doing a sport that he loves, I need a damn ladderstand for next year!!  
  • I HATE COYOTES!  Give me a bear any day of the week over a stinking coyote!  I was coming down from my stand one night and these darn things started their howling close by me.  Needless to say, I was not very ladylike with the words I was mumbling to myself while tromping through the woods to my vehicle.
  • I'm afraid of rain. Yup, I know it sounds crazy, but here is the deal...when you are sitting with your Kindle on a QUIET day, you can HEAR when deer are coming in. However, if it is raining, and you are engrossed in "Fifty Shades" and a deer all of a sudden materializes, catching you off guard, the Kindle will fly, not an arrow and all of this will be captured on one of the cameras that we have set up...then you have to try an explain this to honey.  Sooooo, you don't read when it rains, you just sit... and sit...for hours...and your mind wanders and plays tricks on hear footsteps, you hear crunching, you look, there is nothing there, you hear it again, you could swear you heard footsteps, you look down on both sides of the tree,  your anxiety continues to rise, you wonder if you took your medication, hell, maybe you should have taken a couple extra, then out of the corner of your see watch...and wait...and there it is...a chipmunk!!  That's it, I'm outta here!
  • I need a project!!  During the course of the week, after hours of reading and waiting for SOMETHING to come in, I decided that I need to start getting ready for the holidays.  So on my way home, I stopped at Home Depot, picked up a gallon of paint and our kitchen that I just painted in spring is getting repainted.  See what happens when you are sitting up in the trees... you think, plot and plan.  
All in all, I had a great vacation with my honey. We went out for dinner, took Lucy for walks and just enjoyed each others company up in the north woods. There's something to be said about the peace and quiet  up north...just walking in the woods, smelling the fresh pines, watching the red squirrels chase each other, having chickadees land on branches within inches of you, seeing a porcupine (for the first time) waddle toward really was a wonderful vacation!!

Thanks for reading - 

Have a great week!


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