Monday, November 5, 2012

Happy Monday!

I took vacation this week and I am in the north woods with my honey trying to "catch a deer".  We always laugh in our house about that phrase because our daughter said that to her hunter daddy when he came home from hunting, "Daddy, did you Catch a Deer?".  That's one of those sweet things you just never forget as a mommy.

I have been hunting these last several weekends and haven't seen or wanted to take any shots at anything.  I had a small 3 pointer come in one night and could have shot him however, it was still early in the season and quite honestly, I am waiting for the big one.  I have had doe come in with her fawn and there is no way that I will shoot a doe.  Whether she is by herself or with bambi, I will not shoot a doe, nope, just can't do it...again, waiting for the big one.

Our problem this year are the bear!!  Those pesty buggers are really messing up our stands. The deer will not come in by us or anywhere near us with the bear hanging around like they are.  Over the years I would look forward to seeing bear on our way out to eat (very seldom would we see one then) and trust me, this year I have seen my share of bear.  Steve hates it when I tell him that I enjoy watching them.  They literally look like they are tip toeing through the woods thinking that they are invisible.  Last week I just happen to turn around in my stand and I swear you would have thought I had a pet sitting guard for me.  There he sat on his butt not moving, just sitting there.  He eventually just wandered off and left me alone but again, any deer that may have wanted to come my way wasn't going to because of my little buddy keeping watch.

On that note, I am off out into the woods to check our camera's and see if the big one is out there.

Thanks for reading.

Talk soon -


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