Saturday, August 25, 2012

I've Been Told....

Our son came to hang out with us the other night before heading up to the cottage for "Fencl's Beach 2012".  This is where he and his buddies (since T-Ball age) will go up to the cottage, hang out, have a campfire and talk smart into the wee morning hours.  Yes, there will be some adult beverages consumed I am sure.  Rule number one:  I don't care how old you are, this protective mama doesn't want you 25 year olds boys (that I have watched grow up) driving or going anywhere near the water.  

Campfire at the cottage one night this summer...Had to get the sunset!

Getting back to what started me typing this, my sweet son told me I have to stop changing the look of my blog because no one will follow me!  Here is the scoop...I am a NEW blogger as of this summer and seriously don't know how to set this thing up and get the look and feel for how I want my template and layout to look.  When I posted a while back that less is more...I guess I lied.  This menopausal brain wants cute, eye catching and well, I guess, more fun.

Sooooo, again, if things change with the look of my template (which I think will probably happen) please be patient don't give up on me - at some point I will figure this all out!  Hey, look at it this way, you might get to see some different looks and I could say I am really trying to keep your interest with the always changing things up....right....

Great weekend everyone!


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